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search in city: Bedford
Companies UK Companies in the state of Bedfordshire
Cataloxy Bedford...Companies in BedfordTextiles, Clothing, Leather, Watchmaking, JewelleryPrecious stoneworking, watchmaking and jewelleryCrystals and petrographic samplesShamans Crystal

Shamans Crystal

Recently, crystals have gained popularity for natural and holistic healing. We at Shamans Crystals can help you out. We are one of the leading holistic shops in the UK. We offer an extensive selection of healing crystals, tarot cards, crystal balls and dowsing pendulums.

Recently, crystals have gained popularity for natural and holistic healing. We at Shamans Crystals can help you out. We are one of the leading holistic shops in the UK. We offer an extensive selection of healing crystals, tarot cards, crystal balls and dowsing pendulums. We also carry a wide range of crystal necklaces, dream catcher jewellery, Celtic-inspired jewellery, incense & oils, candles, herbs, spiritual ornaments, divination tools and more. We are committed to provide the best customer service. We are happy to help you with any requests you may have regarding our products. Visit our website to view our complete range of products and order today!

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 Contact person: Shamans Crystal
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 Address: 57 Sandleford Drive, Elstow
Bedford, Bedfordshire

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